1. Can and shall be excluded those who use a vulgar or threatening language towards another attendant or towards the staff of Play F1 Manager. The vulgar or threatening language shall be decided by the team of F1 Manager. Also shall be excluded those who try to cheat the contest in any way.
2. The organizers of the contest F1 Manager are not responsible for the malfunctioning of the site www.playf1.net for a shorter or longer period of time, doing everything in their power to reestablish access to the site in the shortest time possible.
3. Will also be excluded those who attend the contest with several identities. From the same computer cannot be made regulated modifications of the team except by a single user. If it is claimed that there are different people that it shall be requested a copy of the identity document of the users, not supplying them within 48 hours shall lead to the disqualification of all the users involved.
4. Modification of the user’s profile shall not be possible after March 17th, 2025. It will be impossible to modify the personal data or the team’s name. So the users are asked to write their real identity date, if not, they will be unable to receive the prizes in case they win any. If between the supplied identity document required for picking up the prizes and the data from the contest there are discrepancies, the user shall be disqualified.
5. At the base of the whole contest and of the site www.playf1.net shall be firstly the rules of common sense. Play F1 Manager reserves the right to inform its users via email of any changes concerning the game, of any partnership concluded by Play F1 Manager and of any action taken by it or its partners.
The contest F1 Manager is based on the official Formula 1 competition. In order to accumulate points and win the competition it is required permanent information about the Formula 1 world, about pilots, about the evolution of the racing cars, it requires intuition and chance.
1. There are 5 value class with 4 pilots each except for the last group which has only 2 pilots and there are 3 value classes with 4 teams each, except for the last one which has only one team. The value classes are based on the official classification of the pilots and constructors from Formula 1. So in the first value class are the first 4 pilots classified in the general classification of Formula 1, in the second group are the pilots classified on the positions 5-8 from the classification of Formula 1 and so on. The groups are modified after each Grand Prize according with modification resulting from the general classification of Formula 1. This is why the choice of the team is indicated to be made only for the following race.
2. The events for which points are awarded in the F1 Manager competition are Trainings 3, Qualifications and the Race of each Grand Prize that takes place in the season 2025.
3. It must be chosen - or not - a pilot and a team from each value class for each session individually (training, qualifications, race), the same pilot and the same team can be selected only once during the same Grand Prize.
4. Because there are 3 sessions which are emphasized, from each group there shall be at least one pilot and one team which shall not be chosen by the players during on Grand Prize. The pilots and the teams remained not selected shall receive no point.
5. The modifications can be made during the week of the grand prize at any time before the starting of the Practice.
6. The score awarded after each Grand Prize is added and shall result in the final classification. Points awarded for the selected team is the arithmetic average of points obtained by the two pilots of the team. The points awarded are found in the section score.
7. The results taken into account within the contest F1 Manager are the ones displayed on the official site of Formula 1 immediately after the end of the official events. The later modifications of the official classifications occurred after the possible contestations filed by the teams, of the decisions made by the race commissioners or for any other reason after the official end of an event are not taken into consideration.
8. The winner of a stage is the user which acquires the most points during a Grand Prize and the winner of the game 2025 is the user which acquires the most points during all the 23 grand prizes of the season 2025.
9. a) Jucatorul care are pilotul cu cel mai rapid tur de circuit din cursa
selectat va primi 24 de puncte, puncte ce nu se vor adauga si echipei.
b) 12 puncte va primi si pilotul care va efectua cea mai rapida oprire
la boxa. Aceste 12 puncte se vor adauga si in calculul punctelor echipei.